
Why We Pray

God delights in hearing our prayers, because He is the God of the impossible. When we believe that, it’s easy to understand
how our prayers have a strategic purpose in the work of the Lutheran Church.
We invite you to join us in praising His name and seeking His provision.


Current Prayer Request List

For Healing and Comfort

Elizabeth W.
Kurt C.
Lois F.
Jerry M.
Traie W.
Charles E.
Jon L.
Pastor Jerry
Judi R.
Sandy S.
Betty S.
Allison T.
Kathryn B.
Rita C.
Steve C.
Lynette N.
Pastor Andy
Marilyn G.
Don R.
Fran M.
Dawn S.

Loved Ones of LaVerne A., called home to our Lord
Loved Ones of Andy E., called home to our Lord
Loved Ones of Jeff M., called home to our Lord
Loved Ones of Pat S., called home to our Lord
Loved Ones of Al H., called home to out Lord

For the Infirm and Homebound

Viola B.
Sen & Dale C.
Donita D.
Judy K.
Fran K.
Dorothy L.
Don & Nancy M.
Fran M.
Norma T.
Amy W.

Celebrate the Sacraments

Take part in this central aspect of the faith.