Bible Study
We gather regularly for instruction in the Word of God, not simply to increase in knowledge about Him, but that we may be strengthened in our faith in Jesus Christ, so that we are prepared to live out that faith in our daily lives.
Everyone is encouraged to participate in Bible study. Receiving our Lord’s teaching from the Holy Scriptures is not something that ends once we are confirmed, but should be a way of life for us, from the cradle to the grave.
There are several Bible study opportunities each week. Some are led by Pastor, while others are layperson-led. All take place in the fellowship hall, whether in the main room or in one of the smaller classrooms.
There is no need to wait for a new theme or section to begin! All are welcome who wish to continue growing in the Word of God. A place will be made for you at the table, and we will joyfully dig into the Scriptures, the books of our Lutheran confession, and other pertinent topics, together.
Pastor-Led Study
Sunday Morning at 8:30AM
Thursday Morning at 10AM
In-Person and on Zoom
(See Hybrid Study section below for joining by Zoom)
Currently Studying
Luther’s Small Catechism
Martin Luther lamented that “the people and their pastors were woefully ignorant about the basics of the faith.” (Rev. Jonathon T. Krenz, The Large and Small Catechisms of Dr. Luther) Many of us went through the Small Catechism when we were being catechized in preparation for Confirmation, but we do not graduate from catechesis and leave the book on the shelf. This is a volume we should be reviewing regularly throughout our lives. Rev. Krenz goes on to say in his article: “As the saying goes, ‘Repetition is the mother of all learning.’ Luther says ‘the Holy Spirit is present in such reading, repetition, and meditation. He bestows ever new and more light and devoutness.’ Read, repeat, meditate. Then do it all over again. That is how we learn the faith…” and so we are focusing on reading through, meditating on, and discussing the 2017 edition of Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation.
It’s never too late to join. Simply show up and pick up with us right where we are as we work our way through.
Layperson-Led Study
None at this time
Currently Studying
Stay tuned for future studies!

Hybrid Study
If you are interested in participating in the Thursday morning Bible Study by Zoom, please contact the Church Office for the link. We would love to have you join us, where ever you are!