Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers
This group of devoted workers could just as easily be called the “Hannah Guild”. Just as Hannah served in the temple of old, these devoted workers serve in the temple of today. A team of two workers comes in each week to prepare the meal and set the table for the Lord’s Supper to be served in our worship services. After the worship service has ended, they clean up and make sure all is in order for the next week. In addition to preparing the Holy Meal, these workers insure that the proper paraments and banners are in place for the various liturgical seasons. Additional duties include: preparation for baptisms, overseeing fresh and silk flowers each week, and the ordering and placement of the Christmas poinsettias and Easter flowers. Barbara and Alfred Miller currently lead this group. Please contact them if you are interested in helping in this way.
Stewardship Committee
Our Board of Stewardship encourages all members to be fruitful stewards of the Lord’s gifts. An annual drive seeks to prepare Christians to respond with joyous hearts and hands to the outpouring of God’s blessings in their lives. It is educationally based, and tries to give equal emphasis to time, talent, and treasure.
We maintain a program to discover and enlist the talents God has given members, new and old, young and mature. Periodically, we arrange for seminars to help our families and youth to better understand finances and financial planning. We also have seminars on other topics which may be helpful to members.
Additionally, we assist long-term visitors in becoming members; contacting first-time visitors; and new member reception.
Acolytes participate in the worship service by lighting and extinguishing chancel candles. They also assist the Elders with communion duties. Children from sixth grade through high school are encouraged to serve as an acolyte.
Advisory Councils
Mary-Martha Guild & LWML
The Mary-Martha Guild was first organized in September 1963, and over the years has continued to serve Christ Lutheran Church, the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, and the community. The Guild is also affiliated with LWML. Meetings are held on the second Wednesday of the month from September through May and begin at 9AM with fellowship followed by devotions, the Pledge to the Christian and American Flags, and a business meeting led by its president: Charlotte Mantz. Following the December and April meetings, the ladies enjoy luncheon out at a local restaurant, with Pastor and the Church Secretary also joining us.
The ladies are available to serve at funeral luncheons, luncheons for Circuit Pastoral meetings, and helping with other events when needed. A quilting group meets on Tuesday mornings at 9AM in the Fellowship Hall. Many beautiful quilts have been made and distributed to charities and causes, including missions, needy families, and homeless shelters.
The Guild has been a very active part of Christ Lutheran Church for over fifty years and hopes to continue the work our Lord has asked them to do. They are always thankful for new members and encourage more ladies to join them.
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) is an official auxiliary of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. For over 77 years, the LWML has focused on affirming each woman’s relationship with Christ, encouraging and equipping women to live out their Christian lives in active mission ministries and to support global missions.
The Florida Georgia District of the LWML provides local opportunities for education, fellowship, and mission service.
Board of Elders
The Board of Elders are a group of men who are responsible for assisting our Pastor with the worship services. The schedule typically only requires service a couple of times or so per month. They are responsible for things in the sanctuary such as:
-Coordinating Usher teams
-Assisting the Altar Guild with their needs
-Assisting Pastor with the weekly Sacrament of the Altar (Communion)
Please consider this important ministry as a way in which you can serve your Lord.
Board of Outreach
The Board of Outreach is an active group, led by Blake Albright, that hosts a wide variety of activities designed to reach out into our community in some way, shape, or form. Most proceeds from these events will go to a charity or group in need of assistance.
Christ Lutheran supports local missions and aid organizations, including:

Talbot House Ministries was founded in 1979 to be a place of hope for people who had lost hope: the hungry, the homeless, and the poor.

Lighthouse Ministries is communicates the Gospel of Jesus Christ to meet the physical, emotional, and other needs of the poor and at-risk population.

VISTE is a community-based, non-profit organization with the primary goal of enabling frail elderly persons to continue living independently and safely in their own homes.