Visit Christ Lutheran Church
Christ Lutheran Church is ...

a diverse community of believers who share their faith, time, and treasure in service to both God and neighbor.
Throughout our website, you will find information concerning our church and its ministries. We hope you find your time spent here a blessing. Our church is a warm and loving church, and we want you to feel comfortable and at liberty to call on us for anything you need. Feel free to browse through the various areas of our website and learn about our fellowship.
If you are considering relocating to our area, a seasonal visitor, just passing through, or a resident, we would love to have you be our guest for Sunday School and worship.
When you visit our church, you will find:
- A caring congregation that will gladly welcome you
- Preaching and teaching that is centered on the Word of God
- Ministries to meet the spiritual needs of every age
- A corporate outlet for truth-filled and moving praise and worship
Planning Your Visit
Where to Find Us
Christ Lutheran Church
2715 Lakeland Hills Blvd
Lakeland, FL 33805
When to Be Here
Adult Bible Class
Sundays at 8:30AM
Thursdays at 10AM
Saturdays at 4PM – Layperson Led (currently paused)
Worship - Divine Service
Saturdays at 5:30PM
Sundays at 10AM
What to Expect
Our parking lot is located behind the church. You can access it from Granada Street (the street that runs between the church and the car dealership).
From the parking lot, as you walk toward the building, you will see signage directing you to various areas of the church property. As you enter the courtyard (with the parking lot behind you and Lakeland Hills Bouelvard in front of you), the Fellowship Hall will be off to the right and the Sanctuary will be located to the left.
Restrooms for the Sanctuary are located in the Narthex, just inside the entrance (to your right, as you’re entering the building, or if you’re exiting the Sanctuary, they will be to your left).
Generally speaking, no. The liturgy, the readings, the sermon, and the Lord’s Supper will be the same at either service.
On Saturdays, while most of the most of the hymns and prayers will also be the same as the Sunday service, there may be some differences where indicated in the bulletin. Additionally, the offering and worship cards will not be collected during the service, but will instead be received in the plate located at the rear of the church upon entering or when leaving.
Occasionally, there may be special music offered at one service but not the other. There may also be something special that takes place uniquely at one service or the other, such as a Baptism or new member welcome.
On some special occasions, the two services may be completely unique due to the celebration of a special event or observance of a Feast in the Church Year. This will be noted in a banner on the homepage of this website when it occurs.
Please note that on rare occasion no Saturday service will take place. This most often occurs during Holy Week, when a special schedule is in effect. Special schedules are noted in a banner on the homepage of this website.
We use the liturgy provided in the Lutheran Service Book. Bulletins are handed out in the Narthex as you enter, where you will find the entire order of worship printed out for you, with the exception of the Communion hymns — you are welcome to follow along in the hymnals that are in the pews for these hymns. Additionally, we have several screens off to the sides for those who prefer to follow along that way.
Large print worship bulletins are available to those who need them. Please see an usher for assistance.
These are our Registry of Worship cards. One side is for members of Christ Lutheran Church and the other side is for our guests. Kindly register the names of all people in your family individually, indicating whether or not each person will be receiving the Lord’s Supper.
For Saturday services, please leave them in the offering plate at the rear of the church (you may wish to do this before the service begins or as you are leaving after worship concludes). For Sunday services, please pass the cards to the center aisle, placing them on the edge of the pew for the ushers to gather when they collect the offering.
If you have spoken with Pastor or an Elder and will be receiving Holy Communion, when it is time for the Lord’s Supper, ushers will begin directing people up to the communion rail in front of the Altar. They will alternate sides of the church. When it is your turn, you will line up in the center aisle, on the side of the church where you are sitting, and wait for the group in front of you to be dismissed from the Lord’s Table. As they are returning to their seats, your group will move up to take their place. You will stand together until you are welcomed by the Elder, at which point you will kneel if you are able, or you may remain standing, as you receive Holy Communion. After you have received the blessing from the Pastor, you will be dismissed, at which point you will rise if you were kneeling, and return to your pew using the appropriate side aisle.
You are also welcome to come up to the Lord’s Table during this time, even if you will not be receiving Holy Communion, in order to receive a blessing. Simply follow the same procedure above when your pew is going up for Communion and, while you are at the Altar, cross your arms over your chest to indicate that you are only seeking a blessing.
For those who cannot take wine for medical purposes, the center of the Communion tray has cups containing white grape juice.
For those who are sensitive to gluten, individually-wrapped gluten-free wafers may be taken from the paten (the plate containing the wafers) as the Elder is distributing the body of Christ.