Want to Serve

Why serve?

God the Father created you to be uniquely you, giving you a unique combination of gifts and abilities. No one else can serve the way you do or be the same kind of blessing to others that you are.

God the Son redeemed you to make a difference. Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross bought you back from a selfish life turned inward to a life where you look outward in love toward God, as well as looking outward in love toward the fellow human beings around you.

God the Holy Spirit points you to Jesus and uses you to point others to Jesus as well. God uses each of us to fulfill His mission.

We were made for one another. God brings the unique blend of individuals into congregations for a reason. As we serve together, we grow spiritually and emotionally. It is in our life together in Christian community that we grow and thrive, growth that positively impacts all areas of our lives.

Serving the World

“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do people light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.  In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:14-16)

As Christians, we brighten everyone’s lives. There are a host of activities that you can do to improve the lives of others:

Donate blood, join a service group such as Rotary, coach youth sports, volunteer in the public schools, volunteer with Viste, volunteer with Talbot House, volunteer with Lighthouse Ministries, help with Sun n Fun, be a conversation partner with those learning English, volunteer at the hospital, volunteer with the Polk County Environmental Lands Program, help with an organization in the youth scouting movement, distribute Bibles as a Gideon, volunteer with the Peace River Center, volunteer with a veteran organization, financially support a missionary, volunteer for a short-term mission/vision trip, etc.


Inspirational and traditional music is used each week to foster an atmosphere of worship amongst the congregation.  We believe that music is a powerful tool to worship God and that is seen through our adult choir, orchestra, special music groups, solos, and ensembles.  Playing instruments is a great way to serve — piano, organ, handbells, guitar, brass, woodwinds, strings, percussion, etc. Please contact our Director of Music to offer your musical talents in service of the Lord and your fellow worshippers. 


“Sing praises to God, sing praises!
    Sing praises to our King, sing praises!
For God is the King of all the earth;
    sing praises with a psalm! (Psalm 47:6-7)

Do you like to sing? Can you carry a tune? We need you! The choir is open to vocalists of all ages and experience levels. As your voice blends with others, God is praised, and God’s people are strengthened. The choir leads the congregation in singing hymns (particularly helpful with new-to-us and unfamiliar hymns), as well as providing musical offerings. To join, please contact our Director of Music for more information.


“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through word of Christ”. (Romans 10:17)

The Word of God accomplishes what it speaks. It is vital that the Word be clearly presented in a way that can be heard. As you run the soundboard, you are performing a vital spiritual task. You help the Word to be heard clearly, the Word that creates and sustains faith. If you are interested in helping with the soundboard, please contact our Director of Communications and Technology to arrange a time for training.

Video Streaming

The church is to “make disciples of all nations” (see Matthew 28: 18-20). The Apostles were told that the church would be a witness “to the ends of the earth” (see Acts 1:6-11). By assisting with the streaming of the service, you are enabling the Word to expand world-wide. Shut-ins in Lakeland tune in regularly and cherish the nurturing of their faith. Seasonal members also regularly view a recording of the stream. Our services are shared by congregational members as a form of outreach. Volunteer servants are needed to type in the text that appears on the screen, run the cameras, put the text up at the right time, and to monitor the internet stream to make sure the service is being broadcast well. If you would like to help be a missionary to our digital neighbors, please contact our Director of Communications and Technology.

Christian Education

Do you like helping others grow in the faith? Do you like teaching, or feel called to give it a try? We have a place for you. Opportunities to serve may include hosting a video-based Bible study; helping with Sunday school, vacation Bible School, or with youth group; playing with young children, helping kids with homework, or mentoring a child; recording short Bible studies for social media; writing Christian growth articles, and more. If this is an area where you would like to serve, please contact the Church Office.


Trustee Volunteers 

There are many, many jobs to be done in service to God, His church, and our neighbors. Fortunately, many hands make light work.  Odd jobs, yard work, electrical, painting, carpentry, plumbing, cleaning, pressure washing — there is always plenty to do. Every Wednesday from 9AM to 1PM, is Trustee Volunteer Day. Show up ready to pitch in and a job will be found for you. For more information, you may contact our Head Trustee.

Other Volunteer Opportunities

How else might you serve? The possibilities are numerous: bulletin preparation, offering counter, making phone calls, typing service into video presentation software, legal advice, data entry, correspondence to shut-ins and visitors, publicity, assisting in the Dream Center, joining in on the parking or concession crews during Spring Training, providing transportation. Additionally, keep an eye on the bulletin for new opportunities to serve or for a particular area that is requesting help. And if you aren’t sure where to start, please print out our Time and Talents Form below, fill it out, and submit it to the Church Office. We would love to help you find a job suited to the talents with which the Lord has blessed you that you may in turn bless your brothers and sisters in Christ.